Worried about the potential impact of cyber bullying on your family? As with face to face bullying, young people don’t always come forward to talk to adults about their experiences, but there are likely to be some warning signs, including:
An obvious change in temperament or mood
Reluctance to engage with technology or spending a significantly increased amount of …
JK Rowling is not to be contended with when it comes to social network Twitter. The author and public figure is known for being forthright in her replies to trolling tweets. In her latest cutting response she defended six times Wimbledon champion Serena Williams after a Twitter user claimed that she had won the trophy simply because of her masculine figure.
Shortly after the impressive win in Saturday’s women’s final, JK …
The hashtag #WalkTogether is trending on Twitter across London as the capital marks the 10 year anniversary of the 7/7 bombings in which 52 were killed and 700 injured.
The hashtag was initiated as part of a campaign asking Londoners to leave their tube or bus one stop early and ‘walk together’ to remember those affected by the attacks on July 7 2005. The series of bombs on the tube and …