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iMessage Add-On Teaches Literacy

A new add on for iMessage is helping kids to correct their spelling mistakes in a bid to improve literacy. iCorrect is activated via parental controls on iOS devices. Once activated the add on will underline spelling and grammar mistakes in all text messages and will require the sender to make corrections before the message can be sent. If they …

Recognise the signs of cyber bullying

Worried about the potential impact of cyber bullying on your family? As with face to face bullying, young people don’t always come forward to talk to adults about their experiences, but there are likely to be some warning signs, including:

An obvious change in temperament or mood
Reluctance to engage with technology or spending a significantly increased amount of …

JK Rowling slams troll

JK Rowling is not to be contended with when it comes to social network Twitter. The author and public figure is known for being forthright in her replies to trolling tweets. In her latest cutting response she defended six times Wimbledon champion Serena Williams after a Twitter user claimed that she had won the trophy simply because of her masculine figure.

Shortly after the impressive win in Saturday’s women’s final, JK …

Twitter Remembers 7/7

The hashtag #WalkTogether is trending on Twitter across London as the capital marks the 10 year anniversary of the 7/7 bombings in which 52 were killed and 700 injured.

The hashtag was initiated as part of a campaign asking Londoners to leave their tube or bus one stop early and ‘walk together’ to remember those affected by the attacks on July 7 2005. The series of bombs on the tube and …

Why you should give a Jott about new app


With more than half a million monthly users and a million installations after just three months on the market, Jott is fast becoming the must-have messaging app among teenagers, rivaling the well established WhatsApp.

Unlike other apps, Jott functions without Wi-Fi or mobile data. Instead, it uses a combination of Bluetooth and radio to allow users to send …

Facebook allows open use of messenger

Facebook’s messenger service is now available to everyone, regardless of whether they have an associated Facebook account or not. The messenger service allows users to create instant messages with individuals or groups and also allows video chat and voice messaging. Up until now, in order to use the service you have been required to have a full …

Five reasons to cut down on selfies

We’ve all seen it happen. You’re out having a lovely walk in the park, at an event or in a shop when someone jumps out in front of you arm aloft, phone held high, and snaps themselves.

This is the, ‘selfie’. Although adored by many there are others for whom it is intrusive and, potentially, offensive.

Only last week …

Twitter in crisis: CEO steps down

Silicon Valley has been rocked by news that the CEO of Twitter, Dick Costolo, will be stepping down from his post in early July. The social network has been haunted by controversy for the last few years as they have struggled to tackle bullying and trolling.

Despite the fact that many investors have called for a change of leadership, Costolo insists that the decision to transition out of the top role …

Taylor’s Swift grammar lesson

A brave fan has publicly criticised Taylor Swift’s grammar via her Tumblr feed, only to have Taylor return the favour.

Taylor posted the image of a photo to her Tumblr blog, complete with the handwritten lyric from one of her songs.

But a vigilant fan spotted a missing apostrophe and took the time to point it out. It wasn’t …

Instagram photos worth $90,000?

A series of personal Instagram images have gone on display as part of the Frieze Art Fair in New York, without any warning or permission being sought from the photograpers themselves. The photographs are being displayed by controversial artist Richard Prince who has a history of submitting art that he describes as ‘re-photographing’ – like re-tweeting only with works of art.

Prince takes existing images from magazines, advertisments or books, alters …

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